Case Study

Personal Finance Community

The Project Scope

Build a native Mobile app and a CMS supporting course content creation. Release on the iOS and Google Play store

I as a user...

Want to be able to access Female Invest’s personal finance courses on my mobile device.

I as a user...

Want to interact and communicate with members of the Female Invest community.

I as a Product Manager...

Wan’t to make sure our users data is kept safe and we retain control of the data storage.

My role as a Product Designer was to understand the business and user requirements, establish the basis of the interaction design framework and design the mobile app from the ground up.

Designing the course player for mobile

Course player experience customized for mobile use

This helps our users navigate and reduces the cognitive load they have to process when looking through navigation options.

Custom CMS designed and developed just for Female Invest

We have enabled our users to pin actions and workspaces directly to their navigation, creating shortcuts to their most needed functions.

Worked with the content team on revamping 5 courses

We have grouped the workspaces that see the most frequent use at the top of the navigation. Additionally, we emphasized them by using supporting icons.

Course UX is a combination of reading, watching and completing quizzes

Our previous icon set was really complicated and had issues with readability when viewing from the distance. We’ve replaced the icons with a new, simpler set.

From left to right: Opening course overview,  in-line scrolling with sticky header, accordion component holding course syllabus, watching course video module, In course navigation

Enabling users to
ask questions and
interact with
each other

Users can join the community to interact and learn from each other

One of the key pillars of Female Invest is community engagement. Our mobile app ahd to enable members to interact with each other to learn and grow together.

Gain access to an Infinite Scroll Feed, stay up to date with notifications

When users join our community they consume content by scrolling their home feed, which can be customized based on who they follow or what topics they are interested in.

Took UX Design inspiration from Twitter, Reddit and other social media forums

Just like on Twitter or Reddit, users can organize conversations by following groups or other people.

From left to right: View Post, Make Comment, Posted Comment, Edit / Delete

From left to right: Accept community rules, Explore groups, Groups Overview, View Group, Group settings

From left to right: Create Post, Select Group, Add Content, Success notification

Designed a basic Design System to streamline Product to Design to Engineering communication

Typography Scale & Structure

Took inspiration from the Material Design typography scale for structure. Worked with the brand team to establish font family and sizing.

UI Library

Created a UI library with Buttons, Selection Controls, Icons and Notifications. Focused on keeping it simple and on a small scale.

Spacing Rules

Every single design starting from the UI library to mockups and prototypes uses the 4 point scale for spacing, margins and paddings.

UI Color Scale

Created a UI Color Scale from primary, Secondary and Neutral colors to form the basis of the UI Color Structure. Assigned different values of the scale to specific interaction patterns such as hover, active, pressed, etc. depending on the use case.

Color Tokens Structure and Accessibility Considerations

Used google Material UI’s color token structure to create color pairings. Paid attention to color contrast rations to make sure accessibility ratings are passing at AA or above. These pairings formed the basis of my color token structure.

Activity metrics showed a positive trend in usage and app downloads after the launch in iOS app store

Core Team Members

Balazs Korcsog — Product Designer

Amanda Broggard — Product Manager

Paolo Scanferla — IT Architect

Peter Holst — Full-stack engineer

Ivona Brajdic — React engineer

Chibuokem Onyekwelu - React engineer

Support & Feedback

Emma Bitz — Founder

Camilla Falkenberg — Founder

Anna Hartvigsen — Founder

Maiken Mogensen — Content manager


2022 March - 2023 January

Thank Your For Reading!

Balazs K.

Female Invest and the Female Invest logo are trademarks of Female Invest., registered in Denmark and other countries.

This project and its contents are entirely owned by Female Invest and I do not own any of the rights to the materials hereby presented.

Female Invest ApS, Farvergade 17, 2., DK-1463 Copenhagen K